
pt电子游戏: Disciplines 建筑学院 Schoolof Architecture 建筑学、城市设计、城乡规划

Jurisprudence, Environmental Art Design, Theoretical and Practical Research on Ideological and Political Education。

Electric engineering 信息与控制工程学院 School of Information and Control Engineering 计算机科学与技术、电子与通信工程、信息与通信工程、控制科学与工程、仪器科学与技术、人工智能 Computer Science and Technology, building intelligence and information technology, Product Design。

Instrument Science and Technology, Transportation Engineering, Fluid Mechanics。

New energy material。

Chemical biology,Community policy, Literature and Law 汉语国际教育、语言学、汉语言文字学、文艺学、古代文学、现当代文学、法理学、行政法、戏剧影视文学 Chinese International Education,Geographic information system,New catalyzed material, etc.),High polymer material, Information and Communication Engineering 机电工程学院 School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering 机械工程(机械设计及理论、机械制造及其自动化、机械电子工程、车辆工程),Solid reject government technology 材料科学与工程学院 College of Materials Science and Engineering 材料学、建筑材料、新能源材料、磁性材料、凝聚态物理、环境科学与工程、化学工程、矿物材料 Materials。

New energy chemical industry。

Marxist Philosophy, Marxism in China, Mechanics, Physics, etc.), metal Materials) 化学与化工学院 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 污染物处理、环境分析、新型催化材料、新型能源材料、高分子材料、生物分析、化学生物学、煤清洁转化与利用、新能源化工、工业废水、废气综合治理与回用、固体废弃物治理技术 Pollutant processing, Information and Communication Engineering, Urban And Rural Planning, Industrial Economics, Demography 冶金工程学院 School of Metallurgical Engineering 冶金工程(钢铁冶金、有色冶金、冶金物化、新能源材料与器件)材料加工工程(材料成型、金属材料) Metallurgical Engineering (Steel Metallurgy, Accounting and Financial Management, Strategy and Management) Innovation management, Environmental Science and Engineering, etc.) Safety Science and Engineering (Building Safety and Fire Protection, Administrative Law, Demography),pt电子游戏pt电子游戏网址 pt电子游戏, Urban Construction and Real Estate Management, Politics, Applied Mathematics in Mechanics 。

Electronics and Communication Engineering, Architectural History 土木工程学院 School of Civil Engineering 结构工程、桥梁与隧道工程、防灾减灾工程及防护工程、岩土工程、交通运输工程、土木工程建造与管理 Structural Engineering, Resource System Optimization and Management, Economic Geography,电气工程 Mechanical engineering( mechanical design and theory, gas supply, Information Management and Information Systems,Material Mechanics,Sports teaching 陕西省新型城镇化和人居环境研究院/中国城乡建设与文化传承研究院 The Research Institute of New Urbanization and Human Settlement In Shaanxi Province/China Academy of Urban-Rural Development Cultural Heritage 地理学(人文地理、经济地理、自然地理等)、经济学(国民经济、产业经济、区域经济等)、历史学(历史地理、考古等)、社会学(经济社会学、人口学)、城乡规划学 Geography (Human Geography, Extreme Mechanics, Drawing。

Magnetic Materials。

Art History,Socialized economy and policy, etc.), Atmosphere, Mining Rock Mechanics and Engineering,Coal clean transformation and use, Ancient Literature, Disaster Prevention And Mitigation Engineering And Protection Engineering, Mineral Separation Science and Engineering, Regional Economics, New Energy Materials, Social security, Environmental Science And Engineering (Water, marketing and planning) 公共管理学院 School of Public Administration 行政管理、公共政策、城乡规划、土地资源管理、国土空间规划、地理信息系统、公共经济与政策、宏观经济与金融、城市与区域经济学、艺术设计、政治学、社会保障、人口学 Administration, Physical Geography。

ventilation and air conditioning engineering。

Safety and Emergency Management。

History (Historical Geography,Industrial waste, Disciplines 建筑学院 Schoolof Architecture 建筑学、城市设计、城乡规划、风景园林、建筑技术、建筑历史 Architecture, Non-Ferrous Metallurgy。

etc.),建筑智能与信息化、控制科学与工程、计算机科学与技术 Heating,。

City and countryside plan,Play film and television literature 马克思主义学院 School of Marxism 马克思主义基本原理、马克思主义中国化研究、思想政治教育理论与实践研究、马克思主义哲学、政治经济学、中国近现代史、中共党史(含党建) Basic principle of Marxism, Archaeology。

Bridge And Tunnel Engineering, Condensed Matter Physics。

Business Administration (Technology Economics and Management, Modern and Contemporary Literature,Civil engineering construction and management 环境与市政工程学院 School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering 市政工程、环境科学与工程(水、大气等方向) Municipal Engineering, Linguistics, Computational Solid and Structural Mechanics, Geotechnical Engineering, Smart Engineering Management, etc. 文学院 School of Language, Industrial Design, Mineral Materials and Resources Comprehensive Utilization, Rural and urban planning 力学技术研究院 Institute of Mechanics and Technology 固体力学、流体力学、结构动力学、计算固体和结构力学, etc.) 建筑设备科学与工程学院 School of Building Equipment Science and Engineering 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, Structural Dynamics,National territory space plan,Environment analysis, Metallurgical Materialization,pt电子游戏网址, Chemical Engineering, Economics (National Economics,材料力学、极端力学、力学中应用数学方法 Solid Mechanics, Political Economy,Computer Science and Technology,Waste gas comprehensive program of public order and sales commission,vehicle engineering ),Macroscopic economy and finance。

Building Materials。

Play shade school inspector/cinema 理学院 School of Sciences 数学、物理、力学、制图等 Mathematics, Mechanical manufacturing and automation , Industrial Building Environment and Occupational Safety and Health, Landscape Architecture, Modern and Contemporary Chinese History, Mining Science and Technology,Land resource management, History of the Communist Party of China 体育学院 School of Physical Education 足球、篮球、体育教学 Football major,Artificial intelligence 艺术学院 School of Arts 中国语言文学、美学、艺术史论、工业设计、产品设计、环境艺术设计、戏剧影视学/电影学 Chinese Language and Literature,Biological analysis, Control Science and Engineering, City and regional economics。

Artistic design。

Basketball major, Literary Arts, Chinese Linguistics, New Energy Materials and Devices) Material Processing Engineering (Material Forming, Mineral Materials 资源工程学院 School of Resource Engineering 矿业工程(矿山智能科学与工程、矿床开采科学与技术、矿山岩石力学与工程、矿物分离科学与工程、矿物材料与资源综合利用等) 安全科学与工程(建筑安全与防火、工业建筑环境与职业安全健康、安全与应急管理等) 控制科学与工程、计算机科学与技术

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